Death Was

A flash fiction series, Death Was is a spin off of the novelette Wingless Bones: The Life of Sauriel, Former Angel (which was itself based on the comic series Wingless Bones). Death Was is an exploration of the many faces Death takes while interacting with various entities both living, dead, and somewhere in between.


One of my two conlangs, Lacerti was my first attempt at a constructed language. Today, it has developed into an almost-functional language and is a testament to my development as a world builder. Though I have a guide posted on Wattpad, I’m migrating all of the information there onto this site.

Sci-Bi Inspiration

As creators, we all have our world building processes. My personal is heavily informed by my background in biology and teaching. Sci-Bi Inspiration is a blog dedicated to my personal world building process and the natural phenomena that inspire me.


My second conlang, Shiv’Jan initially functioned as a test conlang for me to play around with more complex grammatical structures. Where Lacerti takes on a loosey-goosey approach to things like verb conjugation, Shiv’Jan uses verb conjugation to convey social structures.

The Body Was Human

Obligate may be over, but we were never formally introduced to Pilot Marion. The Body Was Human follows Pilot Marion Andrea MacCormick, the parasite inhabiting the body formally known as Navigator Tamara “Tommy” Zook Smith, and a Shiv’Jan crew who are in denial.