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Tag: Zine

Shirefordshire Zine #2

Welcome Back to the Second Volume of the Shirefordshire Zine! You can print, fold, and cut it into your own little booklet!

I wanted this one to be focused on Constantinople and our favorite Sapphic duo, Adora of Shirefordshire and Lady Domentzia.

This week, in lieu of any monetary gain, I would ask that anyone who downloads this lovely addition to Shirefordshire Lore make a donation to Save the Children, a charity that’s been supporting children worldwide including Gaza.

Shirefordshire Zine #1

It’s here! The first Shirefordshire Zine. I don’t want to personally profit off of this zine series, so here’s the PDF. You can print, fold, and cut it into your own little Shirefordshire Zine!

However, in lieu of any monetary gain, I would ask that anyone who downloads this lovely addition to Shirefordshire Lore make a donation to PAL Humanity Initiative which funds medical care for women and children in Gaza.


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